I'm performing for the first time SNP calling using GATK. I'm following the pipeline proposed in http://biostar.stackexchange.com/questions/1269/what-is-the-best-pipeline-for-human-whole-exome-sequencing , although I haven't run the first steps since the BAM files were already available and sorted for the whole genome sequencing. I'm giving here some more detail of what I have done until now:
1) split whole genome BAM file by chromosomal location with samtools, I'm interested only in mouse chromosome 11;
2) produced the correspondent .bai file;
3) used AlignerTargetCreator (GATK) to identify target regions for realignement: - reference chr11 in fasta (.fa) from UCSC mouse assembly database; - fasta index file with samtools - .dict file with picard
Then, when running the AlignerTargetCreator: $ java -jar Software/GenomeAnalysisTK/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T RealignerTargetCreator -R Genomes/Reference/chr11.fasta -I Genomes/Bam/PWK/chr11.bam -o Genomes/Bam/PWK/chr11.intervals
I got the following error:
<h5>ERROR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</h5> <h5>ERROR A USER ERROR has occurred (version 1.4-37-g0b29d54):</h5> <h5>ERROR The invalid arguments or inputs must be corrected before the GATK can proceed</h5> <h5>ERROR Please do not post this error to the GATK forum</h5> <h5>ERROR</h5> <h5>ERROR See the documentation (rerun with -h) for this tool to view allowable command-line arguments.</h5> <h5>ERROR Visit our wiki for extensive documentation http://www.broadinstitute.org/gsa/wiki</h5> <h5>ERROR Visit our forum to view answers to commonly asked questions http://getsatisfaction.com/gsa</h5> <h5>ERROR</h5> <h5>ERROR MESSAGE: Input files reads and reference have incompatible contigs: No overlapping contigs found.</h5> <h5>ERROR reads contigs = [1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, MT, X, Y, NT_166325, NT_166464, NT_166452, NT_166480, NT_166448, NT_166458, NT_166443, NT_166466, NT_166476, NT_166479, NT_166478, NT_166474, NT_166471, NT_166445, NT_166465, NT_166457, NT_166470, NT_166454, NT_166472, NT_166449, NT_166481, NT_166337, NT_166459, NT_166456, NT_166473, NT_166461, NT_166475, NT_166462, NT_166444, NT_166453, NT_166446, NT_166469, NT_072868, NT_166335, NT_166467, NT_166283, NT_166338, NT_166340, NT_166442, NT_166334, NT_166286, NT_166451, NT_166336, NT_166339, NT_166290, NT_053651, NT_166450, NT_166447, NT_166468, NT_166460, NT_166477, NT_166455, NT_166291, NT_166463, NT_166433, NT_166402, NT_166327, NT_166308, NT_166309, NT_109319, NT_166282, NT_166314, NT_166303, NT_112000, NT_110857, NT_166280, NT_166375, NT_166311, NT_166307, NT_166310, NT_166323, NT_166437, NT_166374, NT_166364, NT_166439, NT_166328, NT_166438, NT_166389, NT_162750, NT_166436, NT_166372, NT_166440, NT_166326, NT_166342, NT_166333, NT_166435, NT_166434, NT_166341, NT_166376, NT_166387, NT_166281, NT_166313, NT_166380, NT_166360, NT_166441, NT_166359, NT_166386, NT_166356, NT_166357, NT_166423, NT_166384, NT_161879, NT_161928, NT_166388, NT_161919, NT_166381, NT_166367, NT_166392, NT_166406, NT_166365, NT_166379, NT_166358, NT_161913, NT_166378, NT_166382, NT_161926, NT_166345, NT_166385, NT_165789, NT_166368, NT_166405, NT_166390, NT_166373, NT_166361, NT_166348, NT_166369, NT_161898, NT_166417, NT_166410, NT_166383, NT_166362, NT_165754, NT_166366, NT_166363, NT_161868, NT_166407, NT_165793, NT_166352, NT_161925, NT_166412, NT_165792, NT_161924, NT_166422, NT_165795, NT_166354, NT_166350, NT_165796, NT_161904, NT_166370, NT_165798, NT_165791, NT_161885, NT_166424, NT_166346, NT_165794, NT_166377, NT_166418, NT_161877, NT_166351, NT_166408, NT_166349, NT_161906, NT_166391, NT_161892, NT_166415, NT_165790, NT_166420, NT_166353, NT_166344, NT_166371, NT_161895, NT_166404, NT_166413, NT_166419, NT_161916, NT_166347, NT_161875, NT_161911, NT_161897, NT_161866, NT_166409, NT_161872, NT_166403, NT_161902, NT_166414, NT_166416, NT_166421, NT_161923, NT_161937]</h5> <h5>ERROR reference contigs = [chr11]</h5> <h5>ERROR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</h5>I'm quite new to NGS data analysis. Does anyone know why I'm having this problem and how can I solve it?
Thanks, that was the problem indeed. I've already changed the chromosome notation in fasta file, but I forgot the .fai and .dict file.