To make a genome file (for bed tools) using reference genome
1) Use samtools to generate fasta index
samtools faidx lyrata_genome.fa
- this will create a lyrata_genome.fa.fai (index file)
But, this index file won't work as genome file due to file format issue (mainly more than required number of columns).
2) take the index file, then use awk
awk -v OFS='\t' {'print $1,$2'} lyrata_genome.fa.fai > lyrata_genomeFile.txt
- this prints the 1st and 2nd column of a fai index file and separates the column by tab (OFS flag).
- use this file as genome file in bedtools.
if space desired between columns do this
awk {'print $1,"",$2'} lyrata_genome.fa.fai > lyrata_genomeFile.txt
if 'chr' needs to be added infront of the chromosome/scaffold names do this
awk {'print "chr"$1,"",$2'} lyrata_genome.fa.fai > lyrata_genomeFile.txt
Or with
:There is an unnecessary single quote at the end. Should be:
$ samtools view -H file.bam|grep @SQ|sed 's/@SQ\tSN:\|LN://g' > genome.txt
Actually I found also using genomeCoverageBed with Ibam do not require
:DThanks, though newer versions of many bedtools seem generally more forgiving with regard to the
option. Being stuck with 2.25 it's still required and thesamtools faidx
option requireshtslib