Hello all,
I have some very simple questions regarding Human transcriptome sequencing:
1) Which library size would be better for sequencing: 1x150 or 2x75?
2) What can I consider as a good depth for performing the transcriptomic analysis: 20M, 30M or >30M?
3) Can we perform the transcriptomic study only on Tumor samples without considering the Normal samples?
The goal of the project is to use the multi-omic approach, to analyze more than 50 tumor samples for transcriptome and exome study. Since the dataset is going be big, my question was can we do this without sequencing the normal samples for transcriptome. And what might be a good library(single-end/paired-end) and depth(20M or >30M) to perform this task.
Thank you in advance.
The answer to all these questions depends on what genome you are using. Whether you are interesting in splicing variation and what the biological question being addressed is.
Very likely human since normal/tumor are being referenced.
yes, tell us your ultimate goal and the organism.