I am a beginner BI I try to draw network using cytoscape my step :style -> Fill color -> column -> continuous mapping
But this process only apply source column changed.
I wanna both apply Fill color (Source_column1 is continuous, Soure_column2 is binomial)
could you please help me with this ?
#--gene network format--</p>
#Source Target Source_column1 Source_column2 </p>
#Gene1 Gene2 1 1</p>
#Gene1 Gene3 2 1</p>
#Gene2 Gene3 3 0</p>
#Gene2 Gene4 4 1</p>
#Gene3 Gene4 5 0</p>
#Gene3 Gene4 6 1</p>
#Gene4 Gene5 7 0</p>
Dear @mmh7272
First what do you want to color? The edge or the node ???
As I see it, in this example you are assigning value to the binding and not to node.
It seems to me that you want to paint the node, is this?
if so, you should add value to your node and not the bindings.
If so I can generate a quick tutorial to help you.
Thank you for your kindness response yes, i wanna add node two value, one value is continuos, other is binomial. So, i want to apply two color style Can you help me?