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5.3 years ago
Hi, I'm implementing the Needleman-wunsch algorithm with python and I don't know how to use the open penalty gap. Also, i want to use the BLOSUM62 matrix. Can anyone help me? Thanks
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from Bio.SubsMat import MatrixInfo
seq1 ='ACGGTCT'
seq2 = "ATGGCCTC"
pt ={'MATCH': +1, 'MISMATCH': -3, 'GAP': -4, 'OPENGAP':0.5}
blosum62 = MatrixInfo.blosum62
def match(a, b):
if a == b:
return pt['MATCH']
elif a == '-' or b == '-':
return pt['GAP']
return pt['MISMATCH']
def n_w(s1, s2):
m, n = len(s1), len(s2)
matrix = np.zeros((m+1, n+1))
for i in range(m+1):
matrix[i][0] = pt['GAP'] * i
for j in range(n+1):
matrix[0][j] = pt['GAP'] * j
for i in range(1, m + 1):
for j in range(1, n + 1):
diag = matrix[i-1][j-1] + match(s1[i-1], s2[j-1])
delete = matrix[i-1][j] + pt['GAP']
insert = matrix[i][j-1] + pt['GAP']
matrix[i][j] = max(diag, delete, insert)
print('Matrix = \n%s\n' % matrix)
align1, align2 = '', ''
i,j = m,n
while i > 0 and j > 0:
score_current = matrix[i][j]
score_diag = matrix[i-1][j-1]
score_left = matrix[i][j-1]
score_up = matrix[i-1][j]
if score_current == score_diag + match(s1[i-1], s2[j-1]):
a1,a2 = s1[i-1],s2[j-1]
i,j = i-1,j-1
elif score_current == score_up + pt['GAP']:
a1,a2 = s1[i-1],'-'
i -= 1
elif score_current == score_left + pt['GAP']:
a1,a2 = '-',s2[j-1]
j -= 1
align1 += a1
align2 += a2
while i > 0:
a1,a2 = s1[i-1],'-'
align1 += a1
align2 += a2
i -= 1
while j > 0:
a1,a2 = '-',s2[j-1]
align1 += a1
align2 += a2
j -= 1
align1 = align1[::-1]
align2 = align2[::-1]
seqN = len(align1)
sym = ''
seq_score = 0
identity = 0
for i in range(seqN):
a1 = align1[i]
a2 = align2[i]
if a1 == a2:
sym += a1
identity += 1
seq_score += match(a1, a2)
seq_score += match(a1, a2)
sym += ' '
identity = identity/seqN * 100
print('identityity = %2.1f percent' % identity)
print('Score = %d\n'% seq_score)
n_w(seq1, seq2)
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For differentiating between gap extension and opening, you need to use an affine gap penalty model. For instance, have a look here.
Your indentation is wrong
Ok, i fixed the code
Yup, sorry but i'm newbie