Hello guys,
There is a way to evaluate RPKM direct with bowtie 2 output (e.g. bam or sorted bam)? like an R package or some scripts to do this?
Hello guys,
There is a way to evaluate RPKM direct with bowtie 2 output (e.g. bam or sorted bam)? like an R package or some scripts to do this?
RSEM will take a bam file as input and return raw counts, RPKM and TPM
I used the same commands given in the manual, with the BAM files I have,
software/RSEM-1.2.25/rsem-calculate-expression -p 8 --paired-end \
--bam \
--estimate-rspd \
--append-names \
--output-genome-bam \
exp/LPS_6h.bam \
ref/mouse_ref exp/LPS_6h
Warning: The SAM/BAM file declares less reference sequences (955) than RSEM knows (41078)! Please make sure that you aligned your reads against transcript sequences instead of genome. RSEM can not recognize reference sequence name 1!
"rsem-parse-alignments /home/user/data/RSEM/Rat /home/user/data/RSEM/Rat.temp/Rat /home/user/data/RSEM/Rat.stat/Rat /home/ec2-user/data/Rat/*.bam 3 -tag XM" failed! Plase check if you provide correct parameters/options for the pipeline!
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Is this RNA-seq? Are you aware
is not splice-aware? What organism? Do you have a GTF file or list of reference peaks (if not RNA-seq)?It's a mapping of RNA-seq against a set of contigs, I just have the contigs, rna-seq files and bam files.