I became medium good in R. I like that R is interpreted but I miss debugging similar to Java+EclipseIDE in R and full object orientation.
Did you face a similar decision: moving away from R and learning Python? Which disadvantages of R/advantages of Python made you switch from R to Python?
Agree with Istvan about question being too broad. Can you give example of what kind of biomedical application you are talking about? In my opinion their spheres of usefulness are highly non-overlapping. I would never use Python for array analysis, classification problems, survival analysis, creating certain kinds of visualizations, and other kinds of machine learning problems or statistics for which R is particularly suited. On the other hand you maybe don't want to use R for file parsing, apps requiring user interaction, etc.
subjective, not related to bioinformatics: please ask stackoverflow.com
"Full object orientation" isn't a meaningful term. In fact R has more object systems than many languages; 3 at the last count, these being S3, S4 and R5. The S4 model, having a generic functions and multiple dispatch, is arguably superior to Java's single-dispatch model for writing flexible code.
It's actually a meaningful term if you have been in the software programming field for a long time. Smalltalk is a full or pure object system. Not R, not Python, and certainly not Java for sure.
good decision, R is good for beginners ...easier to learn...but may not of "power" of phyton
@pierre: it will be closed there as off topic. there was a prior question like this and closed
how can I repeal closing my question after I made a correction to it?
reopened since author has reformulated the question
reopened since author has reformulated the question - although the questions still feels a it broad
What does it mean, 'writing biomedical applications'? You want to produce quick scripts to solve daily problems? You want to build software used by thousands? What is the complexity of the problems you are trying to solve? Parsing files is not the same as building a pipeline to link genotypes to illness... Context is what people never put enough of in questions. Context provides limits within which an answer is useful or useless. No context, no useful answer ;) cheers
googleability ..