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5.1 years ago
Dear members,
I am trying to create a distance matrix for both Seurat and monocle object for clustering analysis of single cell RNA data analysis. Though I am following the tutorial in their respective websites, i am unable to retrieve distance matrix in any way.
Below is code for Monocle:
HSMM<- newCellDataSet(data,
phenoData = pd,
featureData = fd,
lowerDetectionLimit = 0.5,
expressionFamily = negbinomial.size())
HSMM <- estimateSizeFactors(HSMM)
HSMM <- estimateDispersions(HSMM)
HSMM <- reduceDimension(HSMM, max_components = 2, num_dim = 6,
reduction_method = 'tSNE', verbose = T)
HSMM <- clusterCells(HSMM, num_clusters = 5)
and seurat
pbmc1<- CreateSeuratObject(dat, min.cells = 3, project = "test",min.features = 200)
pbmc1 <- subset(pbmc1, subset = nFeature_RNA > 200 & nFeature_RNA < 6000 & percent.mt < 5)
pbmc1 <- NormalizeData(pbmc1)
pbmc1 <- FindVariableFeatures(pbmc1, selection.method = "vst")
pbmc1<- ScaleData(pbmc1, features = rownames(pbmc1))
pbmc1 <- RunPCA(pbmc2, features = VariableFeatures(pbmc2), ndims.print = 6:10, nfeatures.print = 10)
I would be obliged if any one helps me
Thanks in advance
Both methods have their own clustering functions. You're using Monocle's function, but Seurat's is
. Additionally, it's not clear what your actual issue is. Are you getting error messages?I apologize, if my question is unclear.
I am trying to retrieve the distance matrix from both seurat and monocle object in matrix form.
For instance in case of monocle, if I am writing
I am getting 0x0 matrix.
However, clustering has been performed successfully.