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5.2 years ago
hello, I am involved in doing DE calculations of miRNA present in control and stress condition, i completed the step till hisat2 and also i get output for hisat2 but stringtie is not working if i enter the command empty .gtf document only created by stringtie i am having shortreads data without reference gtf file
Hey, please show all commands that you used.
hisat2 command
hisat2-build Nseqref.fa NseqRef
hisat2 -p 8 -q -x NseqRef -U control_all.fq -S ControlNseq.sam
stringtie command
stringtie -o sahaControlNseq.gtf ControlNseq.sorted.bam
I used this command to print output but what i get was an empty output file with the command i used to print output
Just to humour me, can you try this:
Also, you are evidently not showing all of your commands, including those from intermediate steps
I already tried that sir but same output was generated an empty .gtf file with the command
sir another information to your knowledge my refernce genome is MIRNA data predicted using MIRDEEP2 software and I want to do DEG for those so that only i following this pipeline
I see, so, Nseqref.fa contains FASTA mRNA sequences (?)
No, sir it contains miRNA sequences sir. mature, star, and precursor sequences of miRNA.
Okay, can you show some of these sequences here (paste the data)?
Also confirm that there is output in ControlNseq.sam (show some alignment statistics)?
Also show the log(s) from your