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5.3 years ago
Hi.. I am trying Platanus_allee assembler, but it shows Error(13): Solve DBG exception!!! please help me resolve it.
My command:
bio@bio-XPS-8700:~/Fareeha/Platanus/Platanus_allee_v2.0.2_Linux_x86_64$ ./platanus_allee phase \-c out_contig.fa out_junctionKmer.fa \platanus_allee phase \ -c out_contig.fa out_junctionKmer.fa \ -IP1 /home/bio/Fareeha/test/SMIX_test_data/Unzip/SDNA-270_1_head-3000000.fq /home/bio/Fareeha/test/SMIX_test_data/Unzip/SDNA-270_2_head-3000000.fq \ 2>phase.log
platanus_allee version: 2.0.2
./platanus_allee phase -c out_contig.fa out_junctionKmer.fa platanus_allee phase -c out_contig.fa out_junctionKmer.fa -IP1 /home/bio/Fareeha/test/SMIX_test_data/Unzip/SDNA-270_1_head-3000000.fq /home/bio/Fareeha/test/SMIX_test_data/Unzip/SDNA-270_2_head-3000000.fq 2
Error(13): Error, SolveDBG exception!!
platanus_allee solve_DBG command failed.
How to solve this error ?
Hi, I also have the same problem. Could you find a way of fixing it?
Hi I have got the same issue on v2.2.2 and share it here. The tools seems to have unresolved bug and I reported here hoping any fix.