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5.1 years ago
Hello, I'm using varscan2 to call copy number variants. But I'm not able to get the raw copy number file. Below is my commands:
$ samtools mpileup -q 1 -f /home/././hg19.fa /home/././Normal.recal.bam /home/././Tumor.recal.bam | java -jar /home/././VarScan.v2.3.9.jar copynumber varscan --mpileup 1
[mpileup] 2 samples in 2 input files
Min coverage: 10
Min avg qual: 15
P-value thresh: 0.01
Reading input from STDIN
Reading mpileup input...
packet_write_wait: Connection to port 22: Broken pipe
Please suggest something to solve this problem.
There is a connection error between your host PC and the remote machine. Nothing to do with VarScan. Are you running this on a cluster? Is there a scheduler such as SLURM? Also check
GNU screen
to run things in the background.Yeah, I'm running on a cluster. Now, this is solved. I got the raw output file. Thanks. I'm proceeding further.