JBrowse supports GFF3, BED, FASTA, Wiggle, BigWig, BAM, VCF (with tabix), REST, and more file formats.
If we can call large structural variants and record these calls in one of the file formats listed above, then in theory we should be able to display them via JBrowse.
Can anyone recommend how to call large structural variants, record the calls in one of the file formats listed above, and display them via JBrowse?
(Large structural variants are things such as large INDELs, translocations, chromosomal inversions, etc.)
Thank you.
I am very interested. Please let me know how I can get involved.
I guess that means I should hurry up and figure out how to call the structural variants and store them in a VCF!
Thanks cmdcolin.
I will send you a link to a signup form soon regarding this
Hi joneill4x (and anyone else reading this) If you are interested here is a signup link for our JBrowse "early access program" http://jbrowse.org/eap