I would recommend processing your data with GATK and follow their best practices.
Since your species is cattle, you will 'hard-filter' the variant calls.
Once GATK has output the final, hard-filtered VCF file, you can eliminate any genotype call with a Genotype Quality Score less than a specified threshold. We use a threshold of 20 (99% accuracy). The Genotype Quality Score is a value on the Phred scale.
Once we started to use the GATK pipeline, the quality of our variant calls increase dramatically. Here are some example commands:
// prepare reference genome
java -jar picard.jar CreateSequenceDictionary R= F3bR3b.fasta O= F3bR3b.dict
bwa index F3bR3b.fasta
samtools faidx F3bR3b.fasta
// align reads form one sample to the ref genome
bwa mem -M -R '@RG\tID:HA93071\tSM:POOL2' -t 16 HA93071_gen.fasta POOL2_S2_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz POOL2_S2_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz | samtools sort -@ 8 -T temp -o HA93071_sorted.bam
samtools index HA93071_sorted.bam
// skipped the MarkDuplicates step
// skipped the Base Quality Score Recalibration step
// HaplotypeCaller step
java -jar /home/joneill/bin/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T HaplotypeCaller -R F3bR3b.fasta -I F3BR3b_sorted.bam --emitRefConfidence GVCF -o F3bR3b.g.vcf -variant_index_type LINEAR -variant_index_parameter 128000 -nct 16
// GenotypeGVCFs step
java -jar /home/joneill/bin/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T GenotypeGVCFs -R F3bR3b.fasta --variant F3bR3b.g.vcf -o F3bR3b.vcf -nt 1
// Variant Filtration step
java -jar /home/joneill/bin/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T VariantFiltration -R F3bR3b.fasta -V F3bR3b.vcf --filterExpression "QD < 2.0 || FS > 60.0 || MQ < 40.0 || MQRankSum < -12.5 || ReadPosRankSum < -8.0" --filterName "deleteThis" -o badsMarked.vcf
// Select variants step, only keep SNPs that pass the filtering criteria
java -jar /home/joneill/bin/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T SelectVariants -R F3bR3b.fasta --variant badsMarked.vcf -o F3bR3b_filtSNPs.vcf -select 'vc.isNotFiltered()' --selectTypeToInclude SNP
// convert final VCF to more readable format, mask any genotype calls with a genotype quality score < 20
perl /mnt/nas/JoesBackup/gatkVCFtoHapMap.pl F3bR3b_filtSNPs.vcf 20 3 F3bR3b.hmp.txt F3bR3b.hmc.txt
The HaplotypeCaller step does local re-alignment, which increases the quality of the variant calls.
You can use vcftools to filter a VCF file on minimum genotype quality score.
vcftools --vcf firstTomatoGBS_filt_v2.5.vcf --minGQ 20 --max-missing 0.05 --maf 0.01 --recode --out qualFilt
joneill4x - Thanks for your answer!
But I only have the final vcf files that I want to compare in terms of SNP detection efficiency. I don't have any sequencing files or references. Therefore, I want to rely on the data that I have in the files, and on their basis to conduct a reliable analysis. Maybe you could tell us what values, apart from DP and QUAL, are worth relying on?
The GQ field is the genotype quality score. It is a value on the Phred scale. A GQ score of 20 means that there is a 1% chance that GT value is erroneous. A GQ score of 30 means that there is a 0.1% chance that the GT value is erroneous. See https://drive5.com/usearch/manual/quality_score.html
One can filter their VCF based on GQ , so that only high-probability GT values remain.
vcftools --vcf firstTomatoGBS_filt_v2.5.vcf --minGQ 20 --max-missing 0.05 --maf 0.01 --recode --out qualFilt
We often filter with a min DP value of 5 and a min GQ value of 20.