I'm trying to download the 1000 Genomes (phase 3) through Aspera, but the instructions at the documentation don't work. Via command line (using ascp) I get the error: ERR [ascp] SSH authentication failed
. Eg:
ascp -i /home/ibmuser/.aspera/connect/etc/asperaweb_id_dsa.putty -Tr -Q -l 100M -P33001 -L- fasp-g1k@fasp.1000genomes.ebi.ac.uk:vol1/ftp/release/20130502/ALL.chr1.phase3_shapeit2_mvncall_integrated_v5a.20130502.genotypes.vcf.gz.tbi ./
Via Aspera Desktop I face:
"SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT: 2 Too many authentication failures"
I have FTP in progress, but it's taking ages.
I have tried the command on my computer and the file has been successfully downloaded, which version of ascp are you using? Is the private-key-file path correct?
croos posted: https://bioinformatics.stackexchange.com/questions/10739