Does anyone know what is the mean of the following figure?
I know it is heatmap, what is the meaning of four blocks?
It comes from a single-cell RNA-seq, Seurat package.
Thanks in advance for any help!
Does anyone know what is the mean of the following figure?
I know it is heatmap, what is the meaning of four blocks?
It comes from a single-cell RNA-seq, Seurat package.
Thanks in advance for any help!
It just shows the genes that compose your top principal component (i.e. explain the most amount of variability within your data), along with their principal components scores sorted by cells.
The DimHeatmap
function is geared to help you define how many principal components in your data actually have significant variability to be worth including in additional analysis and dimensionality reductions like TSNE and UMAP.
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Maybe you would like to give a more meanigful title?
Hello, Medhat,
Already change the title.
Thank you!