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5.3 years ago
I have following columns: 1.genes expressed in both protein and RNAseq (Log2FC protein and RNAseq) 2. genes expressed in RNAseq (log2 FC RNAseq) 3.genes expressed in protein (log2FC protein) I cold not figure out how we have two axis of log2FC RNAseq vs log2FC protein and then plot all the rest of the values. A similar figure has been reported @ https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-09335-6/figures/2 and has been uploaded here
It may be a simple solution but I cannot figure it out. Thanks
Read up on ggplot, log-linear and log-log plots, and regression.
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without any usable dataset, it's very difficult to provide an answer...anyway, if you know something about R, you can start by looking here: https://www.r-graph-gallery.com/scatterplot.html