i have RNA -seq file.
i run mutation calling
and Find particular gene is recurrently showing.
But, for more confidence, i want to identify whether this calling is false positive or not...
for checking, my idea is finding some database that record the false positive results.. but hard to find.
How did you call these mutations? If you used GATK, then note the message on their website:
[source: https://gatkforums.broadinstitute.org/gatk/discussion/3892/the-gatk-best-practices-for-variant-calling-on-rnaseq-in-full-detail]
To also link you up to my previous answer: A: Inferring genotype based on RNA sequnces
Your question could use a lot more information and you should be much more specific about what you have, what you did and what you observe.
What does a false positive here mean for you? Do you think the variant is not actually really there or do you think it is real but not important?