Hi all, I'm building a phylogenetic tree, based on protein sequences. I've selected sequences using PSI blast and I 've built an ML tree. Then I visited ensembl site, from entrez gene and I found orthologous an paralogous sequences that weren't listed in PSI blast result. Could you kindly suggest me the different results in ensembl? Do you suggest me to build a phylogenetic protein sequences tree based on ensembl orthologs and paralogs?
best regards
Do you mean "explain the different results" by the first "suggest"?
post the sequence ids to look at
So, this question is not really about phylogenetics and trees, it's about why you get different results from blasting against (which database did you blast against) and para- orthologous genes annotated in a database.
I think it's about blasting protein sequence finding their homologous and orthologus and generating their respective phylogenetic tree.