I am building a pipeline for the processing of 4C data. I am trying to give a few options in the config file. The one problem I'm hung up on now is the alignment option. In the end, I would like to specifiy in the config file if the alignment should be done end2end or locally.
For this, I have read about using an if/else statement in the rule using wildcard objects. However, I would like to specify the parameter in my config-file and therefore cannot call it using the wildcards
object. Can I call the config option in the params section of the rule and evaluate the outcome using the run section?
My config file states:
alignment: "local"
And this is the rule:
rule bowtie2_map:
if params.alignment == "end2end"
shell("bowtie2 -k 1 -p 6 -x hg19 -U {input} 2> {log} | samtools view -S -u -@ 4 - > {output}")
print("Sequences will be aligned end2end!")
if params.alignment == "local"
shell("bowtie2 -k 1 -p 6 -x hg19/hg19 --local -U {input} 2> {log} | samtools view -S -u -@ 4 - > {output}")
print("Sequences will be aligned locally!")
print("Define option for alignment in config file!")
Unfortunately, Snakemake only gives my a Syntax Error in the line of the first if statement. Does anyone know how to call the parameter from a config file for an if statement in a rule?
Thanks in advance for any help!