Hi! I am doing an enrichment analysis using clusterProfiler, with the function: "enrichGO", but in one of my analyzes this does not inform anything enriched, is that possible?
[1] ID Description GeneRatio BgRatio pvalue p.adjust qvalue
[8] geneID Count
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
My geneList has 493 genes, my organism is not a model, another 2 geneList worked perfectly, but this list did not
d<-c( "107838750","107838884","107839045","107839063","107839107","107839143","107839156",
enrich_T48<-enrichGO(d,OrgDb=orgdb,keyType="ENTREZID",ont="BP", ,qvalueCutoff = 0.05,
Other geneLists resulted in enrichments using the same variables, and orgdb was made using AnnotationHub with C. annuum Thanks!!!!