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5.2 years ago
I have been trying to run Minimap2 with fasta files of ~200Mb. I have 3 such files which I am trying to map onto a reference genome. The output sam file of first 2 files are about 500MB. But the third file gives a 2TB sam file and it has not completed running. Is there any reason of why this could be happening ? Any help would be appreciated.
The command I used is as follows:
minimap2 -a reference.mmi query.fasta -o output.sam -t 20
You could consider avoiding creating a sam intermediate:
Thanks for your answer. But I am still confused as the other 2 files of the same size gave the output of around 500Mb and this gives 2TB.
Perhaps you have a lot of multi-mapping or secondary alignments?
Thanks for your reply. Is there anyway with which I can restrict the mapping to only the top hit or something like that ? Are there any parameters in Minimap to do so ?
You can set
-N 0
to not retain secondary alignments.Why do you tag this as "assembly" while you are aligning? Why do you think this is a "software error"? Wouldn't "minimap2" be the best tag here?
Noted. Thank you for mentioning this