I downloaded the mac OS fastPHASE executable from this website (http://scheet.org/software.html) and unzipped the file. The only file within was one called fastPHASE. When I try to execute this fastPHASE executable (e.g. by typing ./fastPHASE -t1 in the terminal), I get the following error:
error opening file iRead_data_pre:
cannot open fastphase.inp
This (http://scheet.org/code/fastphase_doc_1.4.pdf) documentation suggests that there should be 5 files within the zip file. Does anyone know how to access these other files on a Mac? I have tried to unzip the original .tar.gz both by clicking the folder and by using the two commands noted in the documentation, but both produce the same result.
If one doesn't provide an input file, fastPHASE will try to open a file named fastphase.inp. However, the .inp file should contain your data, that is, you have to prepare this file.
If you are looking at how to prepare your own .inp file, the manual describes the input format with some detail. Also, the PHASE github repository has some .inpfiles that may serve as example and also for testing fastPHASE.