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5.3 years ago
I have a question, I am working with the RT-qPCR dataset. I have more than 100 samples (rows) and 300 genes (columns). There are some genes with missing values, what would be the best practice to impute the missing values. I usually use the missMDA library along with the factomineR for plotting the negative Delta Ct (log normalized) data for PCA analysis. However, there are missing value error while plotting heatmap using ComplexHeatmap library or if I need to just remove those genes for the analysis. Please assist me with this.
Best regards,
Thank you,
ComplexHeatmap can normally handle NA values. Quoting the docs:
So if the problem is with ComplexHeatmap, I would investigate why this happens.
Also check out this other post with a similar question.
Thank you very much @ Jean-Karim Heriche.
This fixed the issue and errors.
Hi @Jean-Karim Heriche ,
The only limitation is when I cluster by rows = TRUE this does not work.