I have exome capture data for parents and aligned them to reference seq separately, and got SNPs/indels between each parent and reference. Now, I want to find SNPs/indels between to parents and for that I aligned sorted duplications-marked bam files of parents to reference again, but when I opened vcf file, there were only SNPs/indels between parent1 and reference. I think I made a mistake to extract specific columns from the vcf file (below).
-f '%CHROM\t%POS\t%REF\t%ALT{0}\t%QUAL\t%INFO/DP\t%INFO/RO\t%INFO/AO{0}[\t%GT\t%DP\t%RO\t%AO{0}]\n' \
Based on a code above am I extracting only t%REF and t%ALT{0}? If yes, how should I indicate that I need SNPs/indels between reference, parent1 and parent2?
Thanks! Submitted the job with minor changes again. If it does not work, will try. Appreciate !