I have a txt file each line of which is a number corresponding to a specific read in a fastq file. I would like to make a subsetted fastq file from my larger fastq file with just the reads corresponding to the numbers in the txt file. Is there a simple way to do this? Thank you!
not clear: what is that number ? the line number starting from 0 ? from 1 ? the fastq record in the file ? starting from 0 ? from 1 ?
Please post few records from input files: fastq and text. In the absense of them, i would suggest to use seqkit grep/range function @ johnsonn573
Problem is OP here only has record numbers (odd) and not fastq headers, as far as I see.
some thing like this? @ genomax @ johnsonn573. Example is with .fasta file. Same code works for fastq file and user needs to replace input fasta with input fastq. For fastq code would be:
parallel seqkit range -r {}:{} test.fq :::: test.txt