Hello Experts and Champions,
How to annotate SV and CNV vcf files generated from tools like WHAM, Delly, LUMPY, CNVNATOR, GenomeStrip etc ? I know their are plenty of tools for SNV but I am just wondering what are ways to annotate SV's ?
Thanks in advance
CNV / SV human events can be annotated with the AnnotSV tool:
PMID: 29669011 DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bty304
AnnotSV starts by detecting the genomic overlaps between the input and the annotation features.
It associates a complete panel of different datasets to provide high quality structural variations (SV) / CNV annotation :
Gene annotations
Promoters annotations
DGV Gold Standard annotations
DECIPHER gene annotations
1000 genomes annotations
GC content annotations
Repeated sequences annotations
TAD annotations
OMIM annotations
Gene intolerance annotations
Haploinsufficiency annotations
Homozygous and heterozygous SNV/indel annotations
Moreover, in order to help the clinical interpretation of the SV, AnnotSV provides a systematic classification of each SV into one of the following classes: class 1 (benign), class 2 (likely benign), class 3 (variant of unknown significance), class 4 (likely pathogenic) and class 5 (pathogenic).
It is also to notice that AnnotSV builds 2 types of annotations, one based on the full-length SV and one based on each gene within the SV. Thus you will have access to:
Really easy to install and to use!
Input format: VCF or BED
Else, if you have CNV calls from four different CNV callers, I advise you (before to annotate) to identify/merge the common CNV detected by your different callers. For that, I would consider CNV of the same type (deletion, insertion, inversion...) that share a 70% reciprocal overlap measured by length and position (> 70% shared length) (as done in DGV).
Please, would you let us know, does AnnotSV also infer fusions and truncations depending on gene orientation and SV orientation ? Thank you !
Could you please explain more? Can you give an input/output example of what you wish?
Is this tool suitable for SVs sequenced from PacBio long reads and called using Sniffle?
Yes, you just need an SV input file in a VCF or BED format.
how annovar use?annotation sv ?
You'll need to put more effort in your question and elaborate on the data you have, what you tried and what didn't work, with commands and error messages.
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