I'm analyzing the exome sequencing data and plan to retrieve the nucleotide counts of specific positions from Bam files. I am a beginner of bioinformatics. My friends said pysamstats is a good software. If you have a information, would you please tell me what software is best and how can I do that?
I wanna get the nucleotide frequency of 5000 SNPs.
chr1 2000454 A:5 T:546 C: 2
chr2 230404 A:1 T:2 C:343
chrx 3234343 A:323 T:1
I made bed files, but they didn't work. What format is necessary for the analysis.
I always see the following results, I don't know why..
find ./lib/testdata/ -type f -name "*.bam" | \ java -jar dist/findallcoverageatposition.jar --posfile positions.bed
File exists but is not readable
Thanks. You recommend the Jvarkit, not pysamstats. Is it correct? I'm a true beginner .
yes, but I'm sure pysamstats works too (I don't know this software)
Would you please tell me how can I retrieve the data of 1000 SNPs from 5 different samples? Your command is for one SNP.
Hey Pierre, what's the format of this
? I have triedChr\tStart\tEnd
and is not working :(show me here please: https://github.com/lindenb/jvarkit/issues