I've never run ChIPseq before, so I've been writing a pipeline from scratch to perform all the necessary read trimming, alignment, etc. I've successfully gotten to the peak calling step, which I will be performing using MACS2. My question is, how much memory and how many cores should I request from our HPC cluster for each peak call? I have no idea how computationally intensive the process is, and I'd like it to be completed fairly quickly, while not requesting so many resources that the jobs I submit take forever to get picked up. We use slurm as a job scheduler, if that information makes any difference (doubt it does).
Ah yes, I had kind of assumed that MACS2 had multithread support but according to this feature request on their GitHub it isn't supported yet. Guess I'll just request one core and a ton of memory. Thanks!
You shouldn't need more than 8 GB of memory for MACS.