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5.2 years ago
Hi, all
I've been having some problems lately, When I run with the following script. I just get a bunch of decreasing K values, which makes it impossible for me to choose the optimal grouping number.
my script: for K in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7;do /data3/liurb/tools/admixture_linux-1.3.0/admixture_linux-1.3.0/admixture --cv 项目.bed $K|tee log${K}.out;done
Results: CV error (K=1): 0.85750 CV error (K=2): 0.80467 CV error (K=3): 0.78294 CV error (K=4): 0.76444 CV error (K=5): 0.75725 CV error (K=6): 0.73499 CV error (K=7): 0.72988
It looks like there is something wrong, but I ca n’t find it, I hope everyone helps. Thanks.
Did you manage to solve this? For me removing very identical strains from one species dataset worked fine, but this solution does not seem to work for the other species