Hello everyone,
This is the first time for me to analyze scRNA data, compared to the example in the workflow (Seurat), I notice that I have a large amount of mtDNA, I was thinking to incread the percentage of mtDNA so that I don't loose informations but on the other end I don't want to have bad results, do you guys have any suggestion about it ?
seurat_object <- subset(seurat_object, subset = nFeature_RNA > 200 & nFeature_RNA < 2500 & percent.mt < 5)
my cells are leukaemia cells and here you can see the image
Thank you
I generally use the "eye-ball" test for these types of situations. Obviously the cells with >50% mito reads are bad cells.
For the rest you would probably be ok setting the mt-DNA threshold to 10-15%.
Also please use the search function: Mitochondrial Gene percentage threshold in single cell RNA-Seq