I have exon ranges, for example:
Chr_exon start - exon end
And also, I have, Coverage values for all positions,for example,
chr_position coverage value
1_3774167 175.6
1_3774168 175.6
1_3774169 175.6
1_3774170 175.6
1_3774171 175.6
1_3774172 175.6
1_3774173 175.6
1_3774174 175.6
Is it possible to aggregate them exon wise? For example, query by exon range (start-end), and find mean for all values in that exon/ range using unix functions or maybe python ? Thanks a lot in advance. I am a beginner, and sorry if question is stupid.
Since I am a bioinformatician from 90s, I would write a script in R that would do it for me! It could be 20 lines of code. But I am sure there are tools for that.
Thank you for your response. I am not that familiar with R, but will try to code it then in Python.