I just saw this message from the PLoS home page:
PLoS Currents: new section on phylogenetic analyses
What is PLoS Currents? Does anyone here have experience with publishing anything there? What is the difference with a normal publication? I see that it is based on the Google/Knol infrastructure, which I also don't know very well what is it. Can someone explain me?
Technically this is not a programming-related question... but it is relevant to biostar, as it is about how to share scientific knowledge over Internet, which is an important part of bioinformatics.
Well, they might. Traditional publishers like Elseviers and Thomson Reuters show an interest in altmetrics (http://altmetrics.org/manifesto/ ) and they for instance participated in the "beyond the pdf" meeting (https://sites.google.com/site/beyondthepdf/home ).
Our own contribution to #altmetrics is http://www.citedin.org where we measure how often your Pubmed publications are mentioned on the web instead of in traditional publications.
In general I think we will have to provide tools to measure alternative activities (Biostars reputation score is a nice example), before it will be accepted.