Its not running the analysis. I think there is something wrong with my samples file, but I used it fine to compare replicates with PtR. what is the samples versus data fields? My script:
/trinityrnaseq-v2.8.6/Analysis/DifferentialExpression/ --matrix Trinity_kallisto.isoform.counts.matrix --method edgeR --samples_file samples16_ed.txt
This is my samples file in tab delimited text:
APO kallisto_APO1_LO
APO kallisto_APO2_LO
APO kallisto_APO3_LO
ANG_LO kallisto_Es1ANG
ANG_LO kallisto_Es2ANG
ANG_LO kallisto_Es2LO
ANG_LO kallisto_Es3ANG
ANG_LO kallisto_Es3LO
ANG_LO kallisto_WT_LO1
ANG_LO kallisto_WT_LO3
ANG_LO kallisto_WT_LO2
ANG_LO kallisto_E16ANG
ANG_LO kallisto_K3ANG
ANG_LO kallisto_J1ANG
ANG_LO kallisto_J8ANG
ANG_LO kallisto_K7ANG
My output is:
Got 16 samples, and got: 17 data fields.
Header: kallisto_APO1_LO kallisto_APO2_LO kallisto_APO3_LO kallisto_Es1ANG kallisto_Es2ANG kallisto_Es3ANG kallisto_K7ANG kallisto_K3ANG kallisto_J8ANG kallisto_J1ANG kallisto_E16ANG kallisto_WT_LO3 kallisto_WT_LO2 kallisto_WT_LO1 kallisto_Es3LO kallisto_Es2LO
Next: TRINITY_GG_2139_c0_g1_i1 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
$VAR1 = {
'kallisto_Es3LO' => 15,
'kallisto_J8ANG' => 9,
'kallisto_APO1_LO' => 1,
'kallisto_WT_LO3' => 12,
'kallisto_Es2LO' => 16,
'kallisto_E16ANG' => 11,
'kallisto_WT_LO2' => 13,
'kallisto_K7ANG' => 7,
'kallisto_K3ANG' => 8,
'kallisto_Es1ANG' => 4,
'kallisto_Es3ANG' => 6,
'kallisto_WT_LO1' => 14,
'kallisto_Es2ANG' => 5,
'kallisto_APO3_LO' => 3,
'kallisto_J1ANG' => 10,
'kallisto_APO2_LO' => 2
$VAR1 = {
'APO' => [
Contrasts to perform are: $VAR1 = [];
It stops there and creates a folder with nothing. There is no "Error". All the R packages are installed and working.
When I include a contrasts file, I get the following Error:
Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference at /isg/shared/apps/trinity/2.8.5/Analysis/DifferentialExpression/ line 568.
I am also getting the exactly same error. I have not imported data from excel. What to do?