I have a merged .vcf file, that although wasn't merged using vcftools seems almost identical to vcf-merge files. If I try and use --freq to calculate allele frequencies from this file I get the error message "Require Genotypes in VCF file in order to output Frequency Statistics". This seems odd as the file has the same GT:GQ:PL format as other .vcf files.
I was wondering if anyone knows what vcftools uses to calculate --freq and why I am getting this error message. I have gone back to source files, merged these in vcftools then performed --freq with this file, this time the analysis "works" but I get incorrect allele frequencies (compared to working them out by hand).
Can you grep the CHROM... header line and the first couple lines of the VCF file and paste it here? IE the output from:
grep -m 1 "^#CHROM" file.vcf
andgrep -m 5 -v "^#" file.vcf