As a non-bioinformatician, after PrecisionFDA Truth Challenge and Consistency Challenge, what's the consensus, if any, in terms of exome-seq pipeline to use ?
As a non-bioinformatician, after PrecisionFDA Truth Challenge and Consistency Challenge, what's the consensus, if any, in terms of exome-seq pipeline to use ?
I actually think using the website for uploading new data is better than the original competition.
For example, you can see the results of analysis with my data here:
(and the upload format was a little strange - I used this script for re-formatting)
The blog post also explains my concerns with the original competition results.
No matter what, I think there should be some expectation for re-analysis. For example, for the annotation step alone, a 10-20% increase in diagnoses with re-analysis is mentioned in this paper:
However, I think doing things like filtering for target regions (and probably filtering out some variants) is likely going to help. Changing the pre-processing and/or variant calling may or may not be necessary.
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