Dear all,
I merged many single VCF files to produce a multi-sample VCF file (human) using bcftools (bcftools merge -m non
). Before merging, I split multiallelic sites with bctools, too. However, there are many sites with no genotype (call), just there is ./.. Could you please let me know if shall I apply any filtering step on each single VCF file before merging step?
Thanks for your comments. Actually, I have VCF files, not gvcf, that the minimum quality score (5th column of VCF file) is 30. I did a basic filtering on single VCF file to keep all variants (SNP and Indel) with the minimum DP of 10 and GQ of 20; then I'm going to merge all filtered single VCF files again followed by keeping just variants present in 80% of individuals within the merged (multi-sample) VCF file. Could you please share me your idea? is this filtering enough? Please kindly tell me if the additional filtering is needed.