Hey All,
Does anyone have any experience in Allele specific gene expression analysis? Any recommended tools and pipelines? And any idea on how to retain only RNA-seq reads overlapping known SNP sites that differ between the two distinct parental genomes? I have fair knowledge of RNA Seq and SNP analysis. But ASE is nowhere explained properly. Anything would be helpful
EDIT: I have created two pseudo parental genomes and mapped my samples onto both of them using STAR and with options --outFilterMismatchNmax 0 ( Allowing for 0 mismatches ) and --outFilterMultimapNmax 1 (Allow no multi-mapped reads ). This ensures allele-specific mapping of most SNP-containing reads to only one strain-specific genome. I am interested only in the X chromosome ( X linked genes ). I don't know what to do after this.
Hi, After alignment you can use bedtools to intersect your bam or bed on SNP coordinates and extract only those reads which overlap SNPs.
Hi Susmita, Have you by any chance managed to analyse your allele-specific RNA-seq data? best TA
Yes I did managed to do the analysis and some more. But its not allele specific RNA-Seq data. I do allele specific on RNA-Seq data. Any questions?
yes that is what i meant .. Do you mind sharing the workflow you have used with me?