I want to download in fasta format all the peptide sequences in the NCBI protein database (i.e. > and the peptide name, followed by the peptide sequence), I saw there is a MESH term describing what a peptide is here, but I can't work out how to incorporate it.
I wrote this:
import Bio
from Bio import Entrez
Entrez.email = 'test@gmail.com'
handle = Entrez.esearch(db="protein", term="peptide")
record = handle.read()
out_handle = open('myfasta.fasta', 'w')
but it only prints out 995 IDs, no sequences to file, I'm wondering if someone could demonstrate where I'm going wrong.
genomax appears to have answered. You may also find a couple of my Python scripts of some use for this work that you are doing: https://github.com/kevinblighe/PythonScripts