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5.1 years ago
Recently I have been evaluating gene expression levels using STAR software. Regarding the counts in the ReadsPerGene.out.tab table, I am confused about the equation of N_unmapped (12935190), N_multimapping(6553338), N_noFeature(4320607), N_ambiguous(1013776) and the sum of readspergene (12473764).
The additional file is the Log.final.out as shown below. Could you help to correlate all of the reads information? Better in equations.
Started job on | Dec 03 17:38:54
Started mapping on | Dec 03 19:50:36
Finished on | Dec 03 21:04:20
Mapping speed, Million of reads per hour | 20.07
Number of input reads | 24660208
Average input read length | 200
Uniquely mapped reads number | 17808147
Uniquely mapped reads % | 72.21%
Average mapped length | 110.21
Number of splices: Total | 4853399
Number of splices: Annotated (sjdb) | 4841181
Number of splices: GT/AG | 4792927
Number of splices: GC/AG | 40247
Number of splices: AT/AC | 7008
Number of splices: Non-canonical | 13217
Mismatch rate per base, % | 10.54%
Deletion rate per base | 0.04%
Deletion average length | 2.35
Insertion rate per base | 0.03%
Insertion average length | 2.28
Number of reads mapped to multiple loci | 6553338
% of reads mapped to multiple loci | 26.57%
Number of reads mapped to too many loci | 291711
% of reads mapped to too many loci | 1.18%
Number of reads unmapped: too many mismatches | 4348
% of reads unmapped: too many mismatches | 0.02%
Number of reads unmapped: too short | 0
% of reads unmapped: too short | 0.00%
Number of reads unmapped: other | 2664
% of reads unmapped: other | 0.01%
Number of chimeric reads | 0
% of chimeric reads | 0.00%