Hello, Everyone,
Anyone know the name of the figure?
Thanks in advance for any help!
Hello, Everyone,
Anyone know the name of the figure?
Thanks in advance for any help!
It looks like a fancy Sankey or alluvial diagram. This would be a more typical example:
And there is another in here: https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/Director/inst/doc/vignette.pdf
Alluvial diagrams are a form of parallel coordinates diagram. You can plot them in R with the alluvial package or the ggalluvial extension of ggplot2.
To me it looks like overlapping horizontal violin plots, that have been smoothed at the edges. This could be a design that Guardant360 came up with (the legend mentions that the figures were generated by Guardant360). Here is an example of a horizontal violin plot. You can read more about violin plots here - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violin_plot
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Based on the information provided, it is either
Figure 3.
. I may have a better suggestion if you provide more information.Clonal architecture plots for a tumor are also represented in this way. See SciClone paper as an example.