I am analysing a published rnaseq read counts table that is upper quartile normalised. I have correlated a transcript of interest (transcript A) against all other transcripts and obtained a 2 column table with transcript/gene names in the first column and Pearson correlation (ranging from -1 to 1) in the second column. I want to annotate the gene list so that I can get the gene function in a 3rd column. I've passed the list of genes into enrichr but the list of gene functions that it returns is not the same length as the list of genes that I passed in. Any ideas on how else I can do this?
not all the genes have annotated functions? Can you give an example of what enrichr has skipped?
It's skipped about 3000 genes. I passed ~8000 genes into queryMany using the GoBiologicalProcess db. The resulting GO_Biological_Process_2018$Genes only has 5000 entries.
Should I include the correlation values when I input the data into queryMany?