I want to run diamond and also get taxon identifiers for each hit. Is the only way to do this by incorporating it during the makedb
step? Is there any other option? The reason why I'm asking is because I would have to ask IT to recreate the databases but it would be cool if I could do it post hoc. I have my own scripts going from taxon id to species/genus/etc but I still need the taxonomy identifier.
source activate diamond_env
diamond blastp -f 6 qseqid sseqid pident nident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore staxids stitle -o cylindrotheca.diamond.nr.blast6 -p 16 -d /usr/local/db/diamond/nr.dmnd -e 0.001 -q ./assembly_cylindrotheca/assembly.orf.faa"
diamond v0.9.29.130 | by Benjamin Buchfink <buchfink@gmail.com>
Licensed under the GNU GPL <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt>
Check http://github.com/bbuchfink/diamond for updates.
#CPU threads: 16
Scoring parameters: (Matrix=BLOSUM62 Lambda=0.267 K=0.041 Penalties=11/1)
Temporary directory:
Opening the database... [0.040975s]
Error: Output format requires taxonomy mapping information built into the database (use --taxonmap parameter for the makedb command)
Can I use any of these files?
(diamond_env) -bash-4.1$ ls /usr/local/db/taxdb/taxdb_current/
taxdb.btd taxdb.bti
(diamond_env) -bash-4.1$ ls /usr/local/scratch/METAGENOMICS/jespinoz/db/ncbi_taxonomy/
citations.dmp delnodes.dmp division.dmp gc.prt gencode.dmp merged.dmp names.dmp nodes.dmp readme.txt taxdump.tar.gz
Have you solved this problem?
No I gave up. Have you?