I performed a differential expression analysis by R. Now, I have a list of DEG GENE-SYMBOLs. My problem is that not all the DEGs had gene symbols. I am worried to lose some of the data by using gene symbols. But I see many articles used gene symbols. Is it a routine thing and we can not do something to avoid it? ( The same problem exists about using other gene IDs like Ensemble gene-ID, GB-ACC, and other identifiers.)
thank you for answering. Sorry, I think I explained badly. My meaning of DEG symbols was GEN_SYMBOLs of DEGs. In other words I have a list of DEGs in GENE_SYMBOl format.
What is "GENE_SYMBOl" format?
It is an identifier. I think its complete name is HGNC-GENE-SYMBOl.