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5.2 years ago
Hi, i'm new to bioinformatics and I need to calculate distance from a CpG site to a CpG island. My problem is that CpG island is a region(an interval) but distance is meaningful for two points! I don't know what distance to a CpG island mean;distance to start,end or middle point of a CpG island? I appreciate you telling me your ideas!
May I ask why do you want to compute this distance? The purpose is important for you to choose the method
It was written in an article as a feature for predicting 5-methylcytosine on CpG sites but no other details was mentioned!
So they built a model to predict the 5mC? Can you provide the link to the article?
This is the link to the article and this feature is represented in Table T3 in supplementary article (in associated data section)