Hi guys, I need to upload in a public repository single cell paired ends data from 10X, i.e. I have R1 and R2 .fastq files. While uploading the average insert size is required as well as the standard deviation among the R1 and R2 for each sample. I have no idea on how to calculate them. Data were demultiplexed and aligned using Cellranger v2.1. and chemistry v2. Can anyone give me some feedback. This is totally new to me.
Thank you in advance
Which public repository is this? I have only seen GEO ask for insert size, but it is not required.
Yes, GEO while preparing the metadata. They have a template and a section for "paired end experiments" that must be completed.
This is not really a paired-end experiment even though there are two read files.
Ooook so I think they will not ask me to add information about.