Hi all,
I have queried genomic position based on rsID of SNPs in BiomaRt, and I got some problem on chromosome number in some SNPs. These are the code I have done in R.
#SNP list
sumstat <- fread("../../MGRS/GRP_shiny/effect_size/wGRS/DM.txt")[,1] %>% as.list(.)
#Select mart
ensembl <- useEnsembl("snp",dataset = "hsapiens_snp",GRCh = "37")
#get genomic position
SNPs <- getBM(attributes=c("refsnp_id",
filters ="snp_filter", values =sumstat, mart = ensembl, uniqueRows=TRUE)
The problem is that some SNPs appeared to map in multiple chromosomes. For example in rs972283, it was mapped in both chromosome 7 and HG1308_PATCH (i dont know what chromosome it is), and BiomaRt usually reported rs972283 was in HG1308_PATCH chromosome as well as other SNPs (rs1092393).
49 rs7041847 9 4287466 4287466
50 rs17584499 9 8879118 8879118
51 rs10811661 9 22134094 22134094
52 rs13292136 9 81952128 81952128
53 rs10923931 HG1292_PATCH 120517959 120517959
54 rs972283 HG1308_PATCH 130445749 13044574
So, my question is "are there any way to let BiomaRt to report the chromosome of queried SNPs only in 1-22 instead of HG1292_PATCH and HG1308_PATCH ?"