So, I got bam files from CAGEseq experiment from FANTOM5. I realigned it to Ensembl GRCh 38 90 using bwa and then extract the bigwig file using deeptools bamCoverage.
Then I am trying to get the CTSS using CAGEFightR from the bigwig files (plus and minus strand) I have generated.
Using the quantifyCTSSs from CAGEFightR function, I got error "Error in asMethod(object): all the ranges in the object to coerce to GPos must have a width of 1"
What is wrong with my method?
I have the same issue, anyone has a solution?
did you solve this problem
I got error "Error in asMethod(object): all the ranges in the object to coerce to GPos must have a width of 1" I am having the same one