What does this mean: non-redundant template structures
What does this mean: non-redundant template structures
template structures: known [protein|rna|other biomolecule] structures that will be used in homology-modeling and threading/fold recognition to generate a structure for your input sequence based on sequence similarity
non-redundant template structures: a set of all known structures that are deemed to be unique in the set of all known template structures. Uniqueness is determined according to some similarity measure (e.g. backbone RMSD of superposed 3D structures, sequence similarity of primary structures, topology differences of secondary structures etc). Non-redundancy allows you to limit your search space, otherwise you'd try using the same (or very similar) template structure all over again, which increases overall runtime and complexity.
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Hello k.b.s.i.d2012!
We believe that this post does not fit the main topic of this site.
Unclear if bioinformatics-related. Please elaborate. If the question fits into half a sentence you did not elaborate enough. Please show effort.
For this reason we have closed your question. This allows us to keep the site focused on the topics that the community can help with.
If you disagree please tell us why in a reply below, we'll be happy to talk about it.
non-redundant template structures: a set of all known structures that are deemed to be unique in the set of all known template structures. Uniqueness is determined according to some similarity measure (e.g. backbone RMSD of superposed 3D structures, sequence similarity of primary structures, topology differences of secondary structures etc). Non-redundancy allows you to limit your search space, otherwise you'd try using the same (or very similar) template structure all over again, which increases overall runtime and complexity.
Exact copy of what cschu181 said. Please do not spam.
yes, it is cschu181's answer and it means that my question was bioinformatics-related.