Hello. I am trying to run a blast against NR locally, and I am looking to find a way to run it as fast as I can. I recalled from my memory that I used LC_ALL=C fgrep -wf- for a "quicker" search file from one file to another, so I'm wondering if I can do something similar with the blast.
In the same line with fgrep I tried
blastp -query FILE -db LC_ALL=C /home/Protein_DataBases/nr/nr.fasta -evalue 1e-5 -outfmt 6 -num_threads 25 but it doesn't work. Does anyone knows if I can do this action??
Thank you in advance!
You need to set
outside of the programs you are trying to run. Withblast
directive has to be followed by the blast index name. That setting is just going to force the programs to use default language for output.Ok I see! Thank you very much for your response.