I was trying to get KEGG metadata - Compound IDs, Gene IDs etc. using the bfind method in the Kegg API. I wish to retrieve all the gene IDs from the KEGG db. But the gene count is so huge that, the Java code crashes with out of memory exception. Is there an efficient way to retrieve all the id information, with out duplicates and with efficient memory usage.
Thank you.
Thank you. I have actually used the -Xms and -Xmx. My current doubt is with Apache axis 1.4. Kegg API is compatible with only axis 1.4. The memory is not cleared after the data is retrieved and the KeggLocator and KeggPortType were marked as null. Is there a method to dispose them?
I am unfortunately neither Java nor Apache axis guru. But it sounds like you need to wait for garbage collection to take place. Maybe this would be of help to you: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1481178/forcing-garbage-collection-in-java